reasearch & education

Leprosy continues to be of major concern in the world , not only because of the large numbers of people affected by it and their potential for communicating the disease to others, but also because of the occurrence of the deformities in a proportion of patients. Introduction and widespread application of multi drug therapy over the past decade has resulted in significant reductions in the incidence of the disease but the impact on the associated disabilities and deformities has been very limited. The fact remains that for the implication like nerve paralysis, ulcer, loss of sensation and loss of hair there is no specific treatment available.

For this reason in National Leprosy Elimination Programme, the sole emphasis are being given for early detection so as to prevent the disabilities in early course of the disease. But unfortunately in most of the cases early detection could not be done. At present under NLEP next to providing anti-leprosy treatment to person with leprosy, priority is given for prevention and control of disability but it is seen that only 10 to 15% patient with Grade II disability comes under the category of “Patient under treatment” and nearly 85% patient do not receive any treatment because they are released from the MDT and from surveillance . Action is needed in order to prevent, limit and correct deformities among individual who have or have had the disease.

Nerve function impairment (NFI) is the key outcome of the pathological processes of infection with Mycobacterium leprae for which the leprosy affected persons may continue to suffer from anaesthetic, hypo-pigmented cutaneous lesion after completion of multidrug therapy (MDT). Due to these lesion, a afflicted persons encounters social repercussion. Extensive clinical research in Homoeopathic system of Medicines has identified one medicine for the treatment of lepromatous leprosy. Biopsies taken from the patients revealed remarkable changes like regeneration of nerve cell.

Our collaborators

project ongoing

  1. Role of homoeopathic medicines in up-regulation of host immunity using leprosy disease model

  2. Randomised double blind clinical trial of some homoeopathic medicines in the treatment of trophic ulcer & neuropathy in diabetes mellitus

  3. Histologic evaluation of relapse cases in leprosy

  4. Pilot project on Prevention of disability in leprosy cured persons (RFT) in homoeopathic medicines in two districts of Chhattisgarh.

project Completed

A clinical trial to explore the potential of homoeopathic medicines in the management of trophic ulcer